A settling into 2022 Friday 5
This week: Newness, plans and launching into the year ahead.
14th January 2022
After Christmas, New Year, a move, being ill and some much needed rest it's back to work and go! go! go! Just some of what I've been up to this week.
Planning art for our new home
I imagined it would be easy to fill our new home with art and it's a much longer, more time consuming job than I first thought. I have been playing with the shortlist, living with them for a few days, changing my mind and then going back to the original set up. A labour of love, fun to do and explains why so many clients come back, sometimes years later, to ask about framing or to purchase more art prints. I will post pictures of the pictures(!) when finished.

An upcoming launch
As you know I started out producing fine wedding stationery and if you've been following me for a while you'll know I've been working on a wedding collection for 2022. The collection is launching in March, on the 20th anniversary of when my first ever collection launched. Perfect timing. There's a twist to the collection, I'm very proud of it and have worked with a brilliant team to put it all together. Do join the mailing list if you want to be the first to see it.

Talking of anniversaries
2022 marks my 20th business anniversary. It's time to think about how to celebrate this wonderful milestone. What an adventure it has been. It feels like yesterday I quit my day job and swapped the daily M25 commute for a skip down the garden path to the office. Time certainly flies!

New skylines
I've just finished the often requested Sydney, Cambridge and Rome skylines. They are launching soon. Here's couple of my best sellers from 2021, skylines have become the perfect way to celebrate life.

Goal setting, taking stock and planning
When I was younger I'd regularly spend time with my American friend Pat. She was old and wise: "Plan your work and work your plan" she'd say. Sage advice that's served me well since first hearing her say it, 30 or so years ago. This week I've been reviewing 2021 and looking forward to 2022. What does the year ahead mean to you? Do you pick a word or a phrase? I appreciate, in this current climate, it's difficult to plan and plans can change suddenly. As such, this year I've planned what I'd like to achieve and I'll simply go from there, adapting when necessary. On a personal level I've planned to explore the many nature walks in our new area. The photo below was taken well before I moved and this lake is now an easy walk from my front door. It's the perfect place to go, reflect and breath it all in.

Thanks for reading, have a good week and see you soon for the next Friday 5.
p.s. The link to my skyline collection on my website is here.