An Adventurers Friday 5
Friday 10th September 2021
This week: Travel, Autumn and cosying up.
It's too early to share this years Christmas collection, which is the main thing I'm working on in the studio right now. In the midst of Christmas prep is that lovely change in seasons where summer drifts into autumn and, before you know it, the jumpers are out, the light fades earlier and the trees start to change. This is a relaxed, casual part of the year, before Christmas-mayhem takes over and when time well spent (in our household anyway) includes walks, roast lunches and getting the garden ready for winter.
Work wise it means Christmas prep and a change from summer products to cosy autumn ones. In the process of getting our new homepage curated, and sharing the new sweatshirts, my mind has been on the adventures I had before Covid grounded us all and travel halted.
Travel is definitely on my mind, as the world is opening up, and there are more opportunities for travel than there have been since 2020. I'm 2022 adventure planning, as such, this week's Friday five is dedicated to five of my favourite adventures.
Adventure number one: The Grand Canyon, coming from the UK where our views can stretch for miles I was unprepared for the scale of the Canyon.

Adventure number two: Bali, Indonesia gives a big sense of family and community, time definitely slows down in Bali.

Adventure number three: Singapore, my adventure was spent deep underground or high up on a roof bar.

Adventure number four: Goa, beautiful chaos, even just hanging around on the beach was an adventure.

Adventure number five: Norway, which was spent outside.

So, there's my Friday five, five-fond-adventures. I didn't want to witter on endlessly about each place, instead provide a visual narrative. Travel is a huge inspiration for so many, as it is such a personal experience, you don't need me to provide a monologue about the best parts, what I found as unique and special may be different to yours. I'm just grateful to have experienced the world, and even more grateful to be able to bring my travel into my work.

See you for next weeks Friday five (yes, I know today is Monday). I delayed posting this because I was going on about autumn whilst the sun was blasting out. But, this morning it's definitely a day for the cosy and I spied autumn leaves on my walk this morning. Take care! Don't forget your scarf!