A friendly Friday 5
24th September 2021
This week: Friendship, kinship, sisterhood, gratitude and love.
I have a wonderful friend who always knows exactly what to say, always gives sage advice. She once said to me: "Friendship is for a reason, a season or for life" and that has always made sense to me.
As a slow, steady, stoic, Taurean soul I make friends slowly and carefully and usually for life (That said, I'm also one to move with bionic force, comparable to the fastest star in the sky, if something like loyalty is bought into question). My dear friend sharing the reason / season / life sentiment has enabled me to understand the concept that not everyone is meant to stay in your life forever. It also explains being able to sit with those you've always known and talk as though you were teenagers once again. Time, distance and life experience doesn't mean a thing.
In your 20's it's hard to imagine life without seeing your Uni friends every day, however time unfolds, life starts and a starburst of experience follows. Suddenly it's a decade or so after graduation and along the way friendships evolve and some friendships move away from being present. My sentimental Taurean self believes all friendships are important, what ever the reason and whenever they happen in life.
This week was all about friendship. I sat in the sunshine, spoke on the phone, messaged, voice noted, took advice and I felt really happy. Those around me helped me to count my blessings and be grateful for the good in life. I end the week in deep gratitude for the ever-kind, beautifully caring individuals who are wonderful. You're amazing!
Ages ago that sage old friend introduced me to the concept of the radiator and the drain: "People make you feel warm or they drain you" (I told you she was wise). I started writing down how my friends made me feel and the sentiments have become greetings cards. It seems a good time to share my friendship collection, perfect for that note you've been meaning to write. Sentimental, delicate and whimsical, these are dedicated to you, dear friends, whenever our paths crossed.

The greetings cards are available as individuals and also to send direct to the recipient. The cards will be available from Monday 27th September, on Etsy, NOTHS and my website.
I'm off on a little break now, so Friday 5 will be back in a few weeks. It's an exciting one!