A wholesome Friday 5
16 July 2021
This week: photo shoots, pizza, long walks & furnishings
- 1. There's a deadline looming and this weeks deadline involves a photo shoot. I have been collecting beautiful things to add as props to the shoot and mood boarding the feel of the whole event.

2. My nephew Harry & I went out for pizza. This is The Stable in Winchester, we both recommend it wholeheartedly. It's just by the Cathedral, near The William Walker pub and The Square in Winchester.

3. I've opened the order books for commissions, you can view the range here. The timescales are changing over the weekend to reflect availability. Looking forward to travelling to your destinations and places over the next weeks.

4. There are so many beautiful walks where I live. The seasons brings a new view every week, at this time of year nature is bursting. The grass is so long, the wildflowers are out and the wildlife is everywhere. The morning birdsong is just fantastic. So far this week I've walked every day, covering most of what you can see in this picture.

5. Home furnishings are on the agenda! Lots of different styles, shapes and designs. Coming to all our outlets in a month or two. Here's a link to the website so you can check out what's available. Let me know if you want details of when the collections go live.
Image Natalie Ryan Design -
Wow! That week went quick! Enjoy your weekend and see you Friday.